FlowChart.SnapStyle Property
See Also

Gets or sets the automatic object alignment style.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get SnapStyle() As ESnapStyle
Public Property Let SnapStyle( _
    ByVal Value As ESnapStyle _

C++  Copy Code

ESnapStyle get_SnapStyle ()
void put_SnapStyle (
    ESnapStyle value

 Property Value

A member of the ESnapStyle enumeration. The default is snpNone.


Specifies if and how objects are aligned one to another, while users are moving or modifying them. Calculations for object-alignment would require a lot of processor time, if there are many diagram elements. That's why alignment is turned off by default. The following snap-modes are available:

  • snpNone - objects are not aligned at all;
  • snpCtrlPtToCtrlPt - objects are aligned by snapping their control points;
  • snpBorderToBorder - objects snap by their borders;
  • snpAlignmentGuides - node sides are made collinear with help of alignment guides;

 See Also