FlowChart.RestrObjsToDoc Property
See Also

Gets or sets a value indicating whether items can be placed outside the diagram scrollable area.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get RestrObjsToDoc() As ERestrictToDoc
Public Property Let RestrObjsToDoc( _
    ByVal Value As ERestrictToDoc _

C++  Copy Code

ERestrictToDoc get_RestrObjsToDoc ()
void put_RestrObjsToDoc (
    ERestrictToDoc value

 Property Value

A member of the ERestrictToDoc enumeration. The default is rdIntersection.


Controls whether a user can drag diagram items outside document area set by SetDocSize method. Possible values are:

  • rdNoRestriction - there's no restriction and the user is able to drag the objects outside the document, but when completely out, an object is not visible and the user is not able to access it.
  • rdIntersection - part of the objects can be outside the document area.
  • rdInsideOnly - the object should be completely inside the document.

 See Also