FlowChart.ControlPadding Property
See Also

Gets or sets how much space to leave between the borders of a box and the control hosted in the box.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get ControlPadding() As Byte
Public Property Let ControlPadding( _
    ByVal value As Byte _

C++  Copy Code

unsigned char get_ControlPadding ()
void put_ControlPadding (
    unsigned char value

 Property Value

A byte value. The default is 4.


FlowChartX cannot detect mouse operations performed on some types of controls hosted in bsAxControl or bsWindow boxes, so it leaves some space between the box bounds and the hosted controls which can be used by users to draw arrows or select the boxes. This property lets you increase or decrease that space. The property value is specified in pixels.

 See Also