FlowChart.Picture Property
See Also

Gets or sets the background image.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get Picture() As IPictureDisp
Public Property Let Picture( _
    ByVal value As IPictureDisp _

C++  Copy Code

IPictureDisp* get_Picture ()
void put_Picture (
    IPictureDisp* value

 Property Value

A picture object. The default is null (Nothing in Visual Basic).


A background image painted behind diagram items. That image is usually aligned to the FlowChartX control window, painted independently of the scroll position and ZoomFactor of a diagram, unless the picDocument specifier is applied to PicturePos.

Note that this picture is stored in diagram files created by the SaveToFile method. Depending on the image size and format, saved files might become fairly big. If your application uses the same background image for all diagrams, you might want to set the Picture to null (Nothing in Visual Basic) just before saving a file and reset it again afterwards.

 See Also