Box.Shape Property
See Also

Gets or sets the shape of a box whose Style is set to bsShape.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get Shape() As ShapeTemplate
Public Property Let Shape( _
    ByVal Value As ShapeTemplate _

C++  Copy Code

ShapeTemplate* get_Shape ()
void put_Shape (
    ShapeTemplate* value

 Property Value

A reference to a ShapeTemplate object.


Specifies the shape of box' outline to be used for hit-testing, clipping and finding intersections with arrows. The shape might also contain a definition of region in which box' text is to be rendered. You can access existing shape templates to assign to box, via the Shapes array indexed with shape string identifier. Assigning a shape to this property automatically sets Style to bsShape.


The following code assigns the Procedure flowcharting shape to the active diagram node:

VB6  Copy Code

fcx.ActiveBox.Shape = fcx.Shapes("Procedure")
fcx.ActiveBox.ShapeOrientation = 90

 See Also