Box.Style Property
See Also

Gets or sets the style of this box.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get Style() As EBoxStyle
Public Property Let Style( _
    ByVal Value As EBoxStyle _

C++  Copy Code

EBoxStyle get_Style ()
void put_Style (
    EBoxStyle value

 Property Value

A member of the EBoxStyle enumeration. Initialized with FlowChart.BoxStyle.


Defines what a box looks like and the way it can be interacted with. The simple styles define only the outline of boxes. That outline is drawn with the color set via FrameColor. The interior is painted with FillColor. The following simple styles are available:


The box has rectangular form.


The box has elliptic form.


The box is rectangle with rounded corners.


The box has the shape of a rhombus.


'D'-like symbol denoting delay in process diagrams.

You can define your custom shapes composed of straight lines and Bezier curves. It is also possible to create and use dll libraries of shapes, which can be plugged into the FlowChartX rendering engine. Set the box' style to one of the following:


Any polygonal shape can be assigned to the box. See SetPolyShape for details. Additionally, you can choose from more than 50 predefined shapes - consult LoadPredefShape for further details.


A shape template consisting of straight or curved outline, decorations, text region definition and default anchor point pattern can be assigned to the Shape property of boxes. If no shape is assigned to a box, the DefaultShape property is used.


( a feature of FlowChartX Pro edition)

The box shape is loaded from a shape library. Shape libraries are dlls that can be plugged into the FlowChartX rendering engine. You can create your own libraries or download some from MindFusion's web site.

FlowChartX diagram nodes can host ActiveX and VB controls. You could create your own controls, or get ready-made to use as advanced entity viewers / editors for your ER diagrams. It is also possible to bind boxes to ordinary windows - either standard UI controls, or windows of your own WNDCLASS:


( a feature of FlowChartX Pro edition)

The box hosts an ActiveX control, whose class identifier is specified via AxControlId. Check Hosting ActiveX Controls for more information.


( a feature of FlowChartX Pro edition)

The box contains a window. Call the BindToControl method to bind a box to an existing window handle.

Boxes can act as containers of other nodes; set the style to:


( a feature of FlowChartX Pro edition)

The box can contain other objects; the contained objects are automatically arranged inside their container when new items are added or removed.

 See Also