Box.CustomDraw Property
See Also

Gets or sets the type of custom drawing performed on this box.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get CustomDraw() As ECustomDraw
Public Property Let CustomDraw( _
    ByVal Value As ECustomDraw _

C++  Copy Code

ECustomDraw get_CustomDraw ()
void put_CustomDraw (
    ECustomDraw value

 Property Value

A member of the ECustomDraw enumeration. Initialized with FlowChart.BoxCustomDraw.


To provide special outlook for box objects, not defined by standard objects or customizable polygonal shapes use custom drawing. Write own drawing code in FlowChartX painting process using CustomDraw event.

Give CustomDraw property one of the following values:

  • cdNone - no custom drawing for the box.
  • cdAdditional - this mode makes your drawing code execute after the box of the chosen Style and its Picture are drawn but before box Text is rendered. The CustomDraw event is raised to indicate that custom painting shall be done and the device context-clipping region is set to the shape of the current box. This generally means you cannot draw outside the box unless you clear the clipping region.
  • cdFull -  this mode executes just your drawing code and no standard painting takes place. When CustomDraw event is raised no clipping region is set and no restrictions to drawing area are set by style and shape of the box rectangle.

 See Also