Box.HyperLink Property
See Also

Gets or sets the hyperlink associated with this box.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get HyperLink() As String
Public Property Let HyperLink( _
    ByVal value As String _

C++  Copy Code

BSTR get_HyperLink ()
void put_HyperLink (
    BSTR value

 Property Value

A string value. The default is an empty string.


Sets or gets a hyperlink associated with a box. When creating an image map via HtmlBuilder's CreateImageMap method, the hyperlink is used as HREF value for the <AREA> definition corresponding to this box.


The sample code below assigns a hyperlink to a box before creating an HTML image map.

VB6  Copy Code

box.ToolTip = "Visit our site"
box.Hyperlink = ""


Dim hb As New HtmlBuilder
hb.Document = fcx
hb.LinkTarget = "_blank"
htmlCode = hb.CreateImageMap("map1")

 See Also