Arrow.PrpStartOrientation Property
See Also

Gets or sets the orientation of the first segment of a cascading arrow.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get PrpStartOrientation() As EPrpStartOrientation
Public Property Let PrpStartOrientation( _
    ByVal Value As EPrpStartOrientation _

C++  Copy Code

EPrpStartOrientation get_PrpStartOrientation ()
void put_PrpStartOrientation (
    EPrpStartOrientation value

 Property Value

A member of the EPrpStartOrientation enumeration. Initialized with FlowChart.PrpArrowStartOrnt.


Use this property to specify the orientation of the first segment of an arrow whose Style is set to asPerpendicular. Such arrows comprise a cascade of horizontal and vertical segments, where every segment is orthogonal to its neighbors. The orientation of the first segment defines the orientation of all other segments in the cascade, because each next segment changes its orientation alternately to the previous one.

If the property is set to soAuto, users may change the orientation of a cascading arrow interactively. That can be done by dragging the control point next to the first or last one to its opposite corner in the rectangle defined by its two adjacent segments. Depending on the value of ArrowsSplittable, the arrow orientation is changed by either inserting a new segment and changing only the orientation of the first or last segment (ArrowsSplittable is true), or by changing the orientation of all segments of the arrow (ArrowsSplittable is false).

 See Also