Arrow.TextStyle Property
See Also

Gets or sets the alignment of the arrow's Text.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get TextStyle() As EArrowTextStyle
Public Property Let TextStyle( _
    ByVal Value As EArrowTextStyle _

C++  Copy Code

EArrowTextStyle get_TextStyle ()
void put_TextStyle (
    EArrowTextStyle value

 Property Value

A member of the EArrowTextStyle enumeration. Initialized with FlowChart.ArrowTextStyle.


The following values from the EArrowTextStyle enumeration can be assigned to this property:


The text is displayed horizontally above the middle arrow segment or control point, depending on whether there are an odd or even number of segments.


The text is displayed rotated parallelly to the segment where the text is placed. A long enough segment from the middle arrow segments is chosen for that purpose.

Note: Text rotation is supported only by the GDI+ Graphics engine.


The text follows the longest arrow segment and is displayed centered at the segment's middle point.

 See Also