Arrow.Style Property
See Also

Gets or sets the type of arrow segments and how they are positioned one relatively to another.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get Style() As EArrowStyle
Public Property Let Style( _
    ByVal Value As EArrowStyle _

C++  Copy Code

EArrowStyle get_Style ()
void put_Style (
    EArrowStyle value

 Property Value

A member of the EArrowStyle enumeration. Initialized with FlowChart.ArrowStyle.


Defines the shape of an arrow. Possible values are listed below. Arrow's style can be implicitly changed by ArrangeDiagram.

  • asBezier - the arrow is composed of Bezier curves.
  • asPolyline - the arrow is composed of straight segments.
  • asPerpendicular - the arrow is composed of straight segments, each segment is orthogonal to its neighbors.
  • asSpline - the segments of a link are curves forming an interpolating spline that passes through all control points.

 See Also