Arrow.Dynamic Property
See Also

Gets or sets a value indicating whether an arrow should automatically adjust its end points in order to keep pointing to the centers of nodes that it connects.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get Dynamic() As Boolean
Public Property Let Dynamic( _
    ByVal value As Boolean _

C++  Copy Code

bool get_Dynamic ()
void put_Dynamic (
    bool value

 Property Value

A boolean value. Initialized with FlowChart.DynamicArrows.


If set to true, the property causes arrow-end points to update their positions while connected boxes are moved or resized. The update is made in such way that the line through the first two control points goes through the center of origin box while the line through the last two points goes through the center of destination box. End points are updated also when the control points next to last are moved around.

If Dynamic is set to false, the end points maintain their relative positions to the box that is moved or resized.

 See Also