Arrow.LayoutTraits Property
See Also

Contains layout-specific properties of the arrow.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get LayoutTraits( _
    ByVal trait As ELayoutTrait _
) As Integer
Public Property Let LayoutTraits( _
    ByVal trait As ELayoutTrait, _
    ByVal value As Integer _

C++  Copy Code

short get_LayoutTraits (
    ELayoutTrait trait
void put_LayoutTraits (
    ELayoutTrait trait,
    short value



A member of the ELayoutTrait enumeration.

 Property Value

A hashtable of key-value pairs that define layout-specific properties for this item.


At this time TreeLayout and DecisionLayout support the ltGeneralLoop flag to mark an arrow as a loop-back one, which removes it from the usual layout flow and draws it on the sides of the layout.

 See Also