Arrow.AutoRoute Property
See Also

( a feature of FlowChartX Pro edition)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether an arrow should avoid nodes by going the shortest path from its origin to its destination without crossing any other nodes.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get AutoRoute() As Boolean
Public Property Let AutoRoute( _
    ByVal value As Boolean _

C++  Copy Code

bool get_AutoRoute ()
void put_AutoRoute (
    bool value

 Property Value

A boolean value. Initialized with FlowChart.RouteArrows.


If AutoRoute is enabled, an arrow automatically finds the shortest possible path between its origin and destination that doesn't intersect Obstacle nodes. The number and orientation of the arrow's segments are updated when the nodes it links are moved around. The positions of end points of a routed arrow are not changed, unless the arrow is also set to Dynamic.

It is best to use AutoRoute with arrows of Style asPerpendicular.

 Performance note

Arrows having their AutoRoute property enabled are re-routed if they intersect with newly created nodes. Thus when constructing a large diagram programmatically, each arrow might be re-routed many times, once for each call to CreateBox or CreateTable whose location arguments collide with arrow's bounding rectangle. That might slow down diagram creation a lot. To avoid it, first create all nodes, and afterwards the arrows; that requires a single calculation for each arrow's route.

 See Also