Arrow.Font Property
See Also

Gets or sets the font used to draw the label text of an arrow.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get Font() As IFontDisp
Public Property Let Font( _
    ByVal value As IFontDisp _

C++  Copy Code

IFontDisp* get_Font ()
void put_Font (
    IFontDisp* value

 Property Value

A font object. The default is null (Nothing in Visual Basic).


Font used for rendering the arrow's Text. If it is not set, the flowchart's Font is used instead.

Note that non-proportional fonts, such as Courier or MS Sans Serif cannot zoom out well. The minimum size that can be assigned to such fonts is the smallest value shown in the 'Size' combo box in the standard font dialog. If your application allows scaling to ZoomFactor less than 100, we recommend using proportional fonts such as Arial, Courier New or Verdana.

GDI+ works correctly only with proportional fonts. If you enable the GDI+ graphics engine, make sure that all fonts used in your application are proportional. Proportional fonts are marked with 'TT' or 'O' symbols in the standard Windows font dialog.

 See Also