
You can customize most of FlowChartX visualization aspects.

Graphics engine

FlowChartX diagrams can be rendered either via the classic Windows GDI API or via the GDI+ library, as specified through the Graphics property. The GDI+ graphics engine supports nice looking visual effects such as anti-aliasing and alpha-blending. GDI+ has some limitations too; check the Graphics class for more details.


FlowChartX background area can be filled using a single color pointed by BackColor property. Background theme can also be an image set via the Picture property, LoadPicture or LoadPicFromRes methods. Pictures can be loaded from any OleLoadPicture supported file formats  - metafiles, icons, bitmaps, jpegs or gifs. Background image can be painted tiled, stretched, centered or aligned to control's corners or sides, as specified via PicturePos.


Draw shadows under boxes and arrows by setting ShowShadows property to true. Shadows' offset from objects is specified by ShadowOffsetX and ShadowOffsetY properties or the SetShadowOffset method. Shadows are painted with the color defined via the ShadowColor and ShadowColorAlpha properties. If ShadowsStyle is set to shdOneLevel the object shadows are drawn at the lowest Z level under all objects, which makes them look as on single Z level. If it is set to shdZOrder each shadow is drawn immediately under its corresponding object, possibly covering parts of other objects, which gives more 3D-like look to the diagram.


Manipulation handles colors can be changed by means of following properties: ActiveMnpColor - the handles of the active object are painted with this color; SelMnpColor - for painting handles of selected objects; DisabledMnpColor - for painting disabled manipulation handles (see MnpHandlesMask). Disabled handles painting can be suppressed via the ShowDisabledHandles property. The way multiple selection is displayed can be set using MultiSelStyle property.

Mouse cursor

Different mouse cursor icons can be set to give context-sensitive feedback to users, prompting them if creation/modification of an object is possible and many others. Topic is described in details in SetMouseCursor method.

Some more global appearance settings: define grid visibility and color with ShowGrid and GridColor properties; visual style of the tool-tips depends on ToolTipStyle property.