FlowChart.SetMouseCursor Method
See Also

Lets you change the mouse cursor icons that are displayed in various situations.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Sub SetMouseCursor( _
    ByVal type As EMouseCursor, _
    ByVal Handle As Long, _
    ByVal DestroyOld As Boolean _

C++  Copy Code

void SetMouseCursor (
    EMouseCursor type,
    unsigned int Handle,
    bool DestroyOld


A member of the EMouseCursor enumeration specifying the type of the cursor to change.

A Windows cursor HANDLE representing a loaded cursor resource.


Indicates whether the old cursor handle for this type should be deleted.


Changes one of the predefined mouse cursors with a new one. The following cursors can be changed:

  • mcPointer - displayed if no item will be modified when dragging the mouse from the current mouse position;
  • mcPan - displayed when panning the diagram view;
  • mcCannotCreate - shown while object is being created if the creation cannot be completed at the current location;
  • mcArrowStart - indicates that dragging will start arrow creation;
  • mcArrowEnd - indicates that the currently created arrow can be linked at the current location;
  • mcArrowCannotCreate - indicates that the currently created arrow cannot be linked at the current location;
  • mcModify - indicates that dragging will move an object;
  • mcHorzResize - indicates that dragging will resize an object horizontally;
  • mcVertResize - indicates that dragging will resize an object vertically;
  • mcMainDgnlResize - indicates that dragging will resize an object both horizontally and vertically;
  • mcSecDgnlResize - indicates that dragging will resize an object both horizontally and vertically;
  • mcRotateShape - displayed when the mouse pointer rests over a box rotation handle;

 See Also