FlowChart.SaveToString Method
See Also

Encodes the diagram contents into a base64 string.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Function SaveToString( _
    ByVal ClearDirty As Boolean _
) As String

C++  Copy Code

BSTR SaveToString (
    bool ClearDirty


Indicates whether the Dirty flag should be cleared.

 Return Value

A string consisting of base-64 digits.


There are no special characters in the returned string, so the result can be easily stored in a database field or embedded into an XML document. SaveToString is particularly useful for passing diagrams between a web page and a web server via hidden html fields. Diagrams might be generated on the server, sent with dynamically generated web page to the browser, and loaded there with LoadFromString.

Since version 4.1.2 of FlowChartX, the string is created by base64-encoding the binary data stream. In previous versions, the string consisted of characters representing the document's binary contents as a sequence of hexadecimal codes. Hexadecimal encoding uses two symbols to encode a byte, whereas base64 encoding uses four symbols per three bytes and thus creates more compact representation of the binary data.

 See Also