FlowChart.LoadShapeLib Method
See Also

( a feature of FlowChartX Pro edition)

Loads a shape library.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Function LoadShapeLib( _
    ByVal FileName As String _
) As String

C++  Copy Code

BSTR LoadShapeLib (
    BSTR FileName


The file name of the shape library dll.

 Return Value

A string value representing the unique identifier of the loaded shape library.


Loads a custom shape library and registers it with the rendering engine of FlowChartX. Shapes of the library can be assigned to boxes by setting their style to bsLibShape and calling the SetShape method. Default shape is be set by calling SetDefLibShape. The guid returned by this method identifies the library to various FlowChartX methods and properties, so it is a good idea to keep a reference to it.

 See Also