FlowChart.CreateAnchoredArrow Method
See Also

Creates an arrow and connects it to the specified nodes' anchor points.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Function CreateAnchoredArrow( _
    ByVal srcBox As Box, _
    ByVal srcAnchor As Long, _
    ByVal dstBox As Box, _
    ByVal dstAnchor As Long _
) As Arrow

C++  Copy Code

Arrow* CreateAnchoredArrow (
    Box* srcBox,
    int srcAnchor,
    Box* dstBox,
    int dstAnchor


The origin of the new arrow.
The index of an anchor point at which the arrow starts.
The destination of the new arrow.
The index of an anchor point at which the arrow ends.

 Return Value

A reference to the new Arrow.


Creates an arrow connecting srcBox and dstBox boxes at the specified anchor points. Anchor point indices correspond to the order by which the points were added to the AnchorPattern definition. This method ignores the type of anchor point - whether it is intended for incoming or outgoing arrows; i.e. you could specify an anchor point for incoming arrows in the source box, and one for outgoing arrows in the destination.

 See Also