FlowChart.TreeLayout Method
See Also

Applies a tree layout to the diagram (obsolete).


VB6  Copy Code

Public Sub TreeLayout( _
    ByVal rootObj As Object, _
    ByVal tlt As ETreeLayoutType, _
    ByVal tld As ETreeLayoutDirection, _
    ByVal tla As ETreeLayoutArrows, _
    ByVal minItemSpacing As Long, _
    ByVal minLevelSpacing As Long, _
    ByVal keepRootPosition As Boolean, _
    ByVal reversedArrows As Boolean, _
    ByVal xBorderGap As Long, _
    ByVal yBorderGap As Long _

C++  Copy Code

void TreeLayout (
    IDispatch* rootObj,
    ETreeLayoutType tlt,
    ETreeLayoutDirection tld,
    ETreeLayoutArrows tla,
    int minItemSpacing,
    int minLevelSpacing,
    bool keepRootPosition,
    bool reversedArrows,
    int xBorderGap,
    int yBorderGap


The root object of the tree.

A member of the ETreeLayoutType enumeration specifying how items are aligned.


A member of the ETreeLayoutDirection enumeration specifying the direction in which items are laid-out.


A member of the ETreeLayoutArrows enumeration specifying the style of arrows to use.

The minimal space to be left between two items.
The minimal space to be left between two levels of items.
Specifies whether to keep the root object's position.
Specifies the parent to child link direction.
The horizontal empty space left as border after the layout.
The vertical empty space left as border after the layout.


This method arranges in hierarchical manner a tree-like structure of nodes. You can call it on whole trees or sub-trees by specifying the object from which to start as first argument of the method. If you pass null (Nothing in Visual Basic) as first argument, and all diagram objects are in a single tree, the control will automatically find the root and start from it. The second argument specifies if items are arranged spreading away from a central axis, or if one of the sides of the tree is kept aligned to the axis. The tld argument specifies in which direction the tree 'grows'. arrowsStyle defines how connections between node will look after the rearrangement. The minX parameters define the minimal space to be left between adjacent items on a single level, and between adjacent levels.


If you call this method to arrange an arbitrary graph of objects, some of the links in the graph will be ignored; only links that participate in single-directional hierarchical relationships are considered in the layout process.

 See Also