FlowChart.MeasureString Method
See Also

Measures the specified string when drawn with the specified font.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Sub MeasureString( _
    ByVal String As String, _
    ByVal Font As IFontDisp, _
    ByRef width As Long, _
    ByRef height As Long _

C++  Copy Code

void MeasureString (
    BSTR String,
    IFontDisp* Font,
    int* width,
    int* height


The string whose size should be measured.
The font used to render the string.
The width of the rectangle that will fit the specified text.
The height of the rectangle that will fit the specified text.


Use this method to find out how much space the control would need to display a string with the current MeasureUnit. Note that FlowChartX leaves one millimeter margins between the text and the box / cell borders when displaying text inside objects. Thus you need to add two millimeters to the returned width and height to find how big a box or a table cell should be in order to display the text without clipping.

 See Also