FlowChart.PreviewDiagram Method
See Also

Displays the print preview window.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Sub PreviewDiagram ()

C++  Copy Code

void PreviewDiagram ()


Opens a print preview window that shows how the current diagram would look printed. The page dimensions and printer resolution as set for the default printer are used to render the preview window. Thus, if the user selects a printer other than the default for the print job, the output in the preview window might be slightly different from that on the printed pages.

The preview is rendered with the same settings that are used for printing, assigned via the PrintOptions structure. That ensures uniform output of the printed document both on paper and in the preview window. Print job settings include document title and several flags that control if images, shadows, headers, etc. are to be printed.

The preview window provides user interface for changing pages, scrolling and zooming the current page, and starting a print job. The print settings structure also exposes the captions of the preview window title and toolbar buttons as string properties. That allows for localization / internationalization of your end-user application.

 See Also