FlowChart.LoadPicFromRes Method
See Also

Loads a background image from a resource.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Sub LoadPicFromRes( _
    ByVal hRsrcInst As Long, _
    ByVal RsrcName As String, _
    ByVal RsrcType As String _

C++  Copy Code

void LoadPicFromRes (
    unsigned int hRsrcInst,
    BSTR RsrcName,
    BSTR RsrcType



A HINSTANCE. This is the handle of the module from which the resource is to be loaded.


The name of the resource. Use MAKEINTRESOURCE macro if you use integer identifiers for your resources (in Visual C++).


The name of the resource type.


Loads a background image from a resource. Note that standard icon and bitmap resources are not supported. You should insert your pictures as custom resources, either by pasting the binary contents of the image file into the resource binary code, or by linking to the file from the resource script. The latter can be done using following syntax in the .RC file:

 Copy Code

RESNAME TYPENAME "path to file"

Afterwards load the image that way:

 Copy Code

fc.LoadPicFromRsc((ULONG)AfxGetResourceHandle(), RESNAME, TYPENAME)

 See Also