Overview Control

An Overview control provides a scaled-down view of a FlowChart contents. It also allows scrolling and zooming the diagram with the mouse, by clicking, dragging or using the mouse wheel. To bind an Overview to a FlowChart instance, set the overview Document property.

VB6  Copy Code

Private Sub Form_Load()

    ov.Document = fcx

End Sub

The ScaleFactor and FitAll properties control the scale in which a diagram is painted in the overview window. The Overview's scale factor multiplies the effect of the diagram's own ZoomFactor.

To paint the flowchart's background Picture in the Overview, set EnableBkgrImage to true. If the control's ScaleFactor is very small, there could be many diagram items visible simultaneously in the overview window. It could take a lot of time to paint them all fully, so the control provides the following properties that can disable drawing specific elements of the diagram items: EnableImages, EnableInterior, EnableShadows and EnableText.

The ShowScrollers and HideScrollers methods allow showing or hiding the Overview's scrollbars.