Scheduling for WPF, V 3.4 and Reporting for WPF, V1.4

We are pleased to announce new versions for two of MindFusion’s WPF components – Reporting and Scheduling. Below we list the new features and improvements in each of the controls.

WebForms Scheduler by MindFusionNew in Scheduling for WPF, V3.4

Interactive Recurrence Rescheduling
Recurrences can be rescheduled interactively by holding down the RescheduleRecurrenceKey while dragging a recurrent item. The control tries to preserve the current pattern of the recurrence when possible. Otherwise, you can modify the recurrence to accommodate to the new start and end times of the modified item. Interactive rescheduling is not registered in the undo history.

New Theme
A new built-in theme is available in the Scheduler control – the Light theme. It is available through the ThemeType enumeration.

Scheduler for WPF: The Light Theme

Scheduler for WPF: The Light Theme

New API Members
Several new properties and events have been added to the control:

You can download the trial version of the control directly from this link:

Scheduling for WPF, V3.4 Trial Version Download

The component is also available on Nuget. To install the component, run the following command in the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package MindFusion.Scheduling.Wpf

WPF Reporting ToolNew in Reporting for WPF, V1.4

Report Parameters
Parameters can now be added to a report through the new Parameters collection of the Report class. The parameters provide name, description and value and can be of any type, including expression. For more information about parameters, check the Report Parameters topic.

MindFusion WPF Reporter can now display UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, and QR barcodes. The barcodes are represented by the new Barcode report item.

WPF Reporter: Barcode Report Items

WPF Reporter: Barcode Report Items

Improved charts
Several new properties have been added to the LineChart class to imporive the customization for the plot, grid, legend and axes. The axes settings can be specified through the new XAxisSettings and YAxisSettings properties. The AxesChart class exposes four new properties, which can be used to specify the intervals displayed by the chart axes. The new properties are XMinValue, XMaxValue, YMinValue, and YMaxValue.


  • Report items can be searched by name through the new FindItem method.
  • Fixed an issue with horizontal data ranges.
  • Items in data range headers and footers can now bind to the data source of the data range.
  • New sample illustrating the Barcode report items.

You can download the trial version of the control directly from this link:

Reportingfor WPF, V1.4 Trial Version Download

The component is also available on Nuget. To install the component, run the following command in the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package MindFusion.Reporting.Wpf

Technical support: You can write at the Scheduling for WPF discussion board and Reporting for WPF discussion board. Additionally, you can write us at Anyway we’ll be glad to answer your questions, comments and recommendations and assist you on how to use the MindFusion WPF controls.

About Scheduling for WPF: The perfect programming tool to enhance your WPF application with a compelling set of ready-to-use calendar features. Choose among six types of schedule views all optimized for high performance and easy customization. Treat your users to the convenience of creating appointments with reminders and recurrence options on the fly with the built-in forms. Change every single calendar element to achieve the perfect look without compromise – apply styling, customize the fonts and colors or simply set one of the elegant predefined themes. Persisting the calendar into a variety of formats is easily done with the integrated exporters and importers. The control is also packed with a rich event set that gives you full control over the user’s actions. More about Scheduler for WPF here.

About Reporting for WPF: A programming tool that provides developers with everything they’ll need to create high-impact data driven reports using WPF. The control supports comprehensive list of report elements, which can be nested, combined and customized to create reports optimized for the needs of your current WPF application. A full-featured chart component is integrated into the report tool and you can extend every single report with a compelling chart of your choice. The report can be saved into a variety of formats and rendered on the screen with the built-in elegant viewer for optimal performance. Further details about MindFusion WPF Reporter here.

MindFusion.WebForms Pack, 2015.R1

MindFusion announceс а неш release of our WebForms suite of components. Here is an overview of the most important new features:


We no longer make separate trial build of the control assemblies. Instead there is a new LicenseKey property, which disables a component’s evaluation mode. If your application contains more than one control by MindFusion, you could call MindFusion.Licensing.LicenseManager.AddLicense(key) to specify the key once instead of setting it per each control. License key strings are listed on the Keys & Downloads page at MindFusion’s customer portal.

Zoom control

The ZoomControl class from MindFusion.Common.WebForms lets users change interactively the current zoom level and scroll position of a DiagramView or a MapView. To set it up, add a ZoomControl element to the page and set the control’s TargetId property to the id of the view. The control has numerous properties for customizing its appearance.

ASP.NET Diagrammer: The Zoom control

ASP.NET Diagrammer: The Zoom control

Visual Studio 2015 Toolbox Support

MindFusion.WebForms components can now be installed automatically into Visual Studio 2015 toolbox palette.


Custom Formatting of Labels for Line charts

Line charts now support custom formatting of labels. To use custom formatting, set LabelFormat to NumberFormat.Custom and use LabelCustomFormat.

Sorted Bars

The algorithm for sorting of bars has been improved. Bars in a series or in clusters can be sorted in ascending or descending order – use the SortOrder property. You can also sort each series/cluster with the SortSeriesBy property. Bar can be sorted with their colors preserved if SortColor is set to true.

ASP.NET Chart: The Bar chart control

ASP.NET Chart: The Bar chart control

MindFusion WebForms DiagrammerMindFusion.Diagramming

Canvas mode improvements

  • Shape property of TableNode and ContainerNode is now supported in Canvas mode.
  • CellFrameStyle and EnableStyledText properties of TableNode are now supported in Canvas mode.
  • CellTextEditedScript event raised when users edit the text of table cells.
  • CreateEditControlScript event lets you create custom DOM element or fragment to use as in-place text editor.
  • NodeListView raises nodeSelected event when the user selects a node.
  • Load XML files from client side by calling loadFromXml method of Diagram class.
  • as well many more new properties and events.

Styled text in Canvas mode

The EnableStyledText property of ShapeNode allows using HTML-like formatting tags to apply various attributes to the node’s text. At this time the component supports the following formatting tags:

<b> specifies bold text
<i> specifies italic text
<u> specifies underlined text
<color=value> specifies text color
<br /> specifies line break

Zoom control

(not available in JavaApplet mode)
The ZoomControl class lets users change interactively the current zoom level and scroll position of a DiagramView. To set it up, add a ZoomControl element to the page and set the control’s TargetId property to the id of a DiagramView. The control offers numerous customization properties like ZoomStep, ScrollStep and various appearance setting properties such as Fill, BorderColor, CornerRadius and TickPosition.

WebForms Gauge Control by MindFusionMindFusion.Gauges

Linear and oval gauge controls have been added to MindFusion.WebForms pack. The gauges are drawn on client side using HTML Canvas API. Users can change gauge values interactively by dragging their elements.

The ASP.NET Gauge control

The ASP.NET Gauge control

WebForms Scheduler by MindFusionMindFusion.Scheduling

Horizontal Timetable view

Horizontal layout has been added to the Timetable view. The horizontal timetable view displays a collection of rows where each row represents the allotment of resources to distinct hours of a day; the rows in this view represent dates, tasks, locations, contacts or resources.

ASP.NET UI Suite of controlsMindFusion.UI

The bundled jQuery version has been upgraded to 1.11.2.

You can read further details about the release at the announcement page at MindFUsion discussion board.

The trial version of the new MindFusion.WebForms Pack is available for direct download from this link:

Download MindFusion ASP.NET Pack 2015.R1

About MindFusion.WebForms Pack: A set of WebForms components that add great variety of features to your ASP.NET application with a few mouse clicks. The pack contains advanced components for diagramming, scheduling, charting and UI (Accordion, ColorPicker, TabControl, Window, WindowHost, DockControl, Button, Slideshow, Zoom and more). Each tool boasts easy to learn and use API and is quickly integrated into any web application that targets the ASP.NET platform. The controls support numerous options for styling, data import / export, user interaction and offer rich event set. There are plenty of samples and step-by-step tutorials as well detailed documentation.

Use the features page for each of the tools to find out more about its capabilities and the numerous ways it can boost your performance and speed up the development of your application:

Visit the buy page for details on the licensing scheme and prices. If you have questions please contact us. We shall be happy to assist you.

Scheduling for WinForms, V5.6

We are excited to announce the new release of MindFusion.Scheduling for WinForms. The new version includes:

Visual Studio 2015 Support

The installer of the Scheduling control can create VS2015 toolbox palette for its components.

Interactive Recurrence Rescheduling

You can now reschedule recurrences interactively by holding down the RescheduleRecurrenceKey while dragging a recurrent item. As a truly smart control, MindFusion.Scheduling tries to preserve the current pattern of the recurrence when possible. Otherwise, the recurrence may be modified to accommodate to the new start and end times of the modified item. Note that interactive rescheduling is not registered in the undo history.

New Theme

Bring a touch of fresh spring air to your calendars with the new built-in Light theme. It is available through the ThemeType enumeration.

The new 'Light' theme

The new ‘Light’ theme

New Properties

Scheduling for WinForms offers a few new properties:

  • The new HScrollBarHeight and VScrollBarWidth properties in the ControlStyle class allow you to modify the size of the scrollbars.
  • The RescheduleRecurrenceKey property in the Calendar class can be used to modify recurrences interactively.
  • The RotateGroupHeaderTexts property in the ListViewSettings class can be used to rotate the resource names in the group headers.
  • GroupHourCount, HourFormat and TimelinePadding added to the TimetableSettings class.

MindFusion.Scheduling as a NuGet Package

The component is also available on Nuget. To install the component, run the following command in the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package MindFusion.Scheduling

The trial version of the control is available from the link below:

Download MindFusion.Scheduling for WinForms 5.6

If you have questions about the component, please use the support e-mail or the help desk. MindFusion takes special efforts in providing fast and competent answers to all support inquiries we receive.

About MindFusion.Scheduling for WinForms: MindFusion.Scheduling for WinForms is a programming component that adds to your .NET application powerful features for creating and customizing any type of schedule, calendar, time table, resource table and many more. The tool supports six data views, input/output from/to a variety of data sources and rich user interaction model. Scheduling for WinForms offers various auxiliary forms for creating and editing appointments, tasks and events. A theme editor for creating custom themes is also available. The control features a rich variety of predefined themes and various item effects.

You can read more about Scheduling for WinForms at its features page. Visit the gallery page to see screenshots of various calendars and schedules created with the tool. For more information about licenses and prices go to the buy page.

Scheduling for Silverlight, V3.3.2

We are happy to announce the new version of the Scheduling for Silverlight library. Here is an overview of the new features:


MindFusion no longer maintains separate trial build of the control assemblies. Instead, set the LicenseKey property of the individual components to disable the component’s evaluation mode and stop displaying trial messages. If your application contains more than one control by MindFusion, you could call MindFusion.Licensing.LicenseManager.AddLicense(key) to specify the key once instead of setting it per each control. License key strings are listed on the Keys & Downloads page at MindFusion’s customer portal. Make sure your project has a reference to the MindFusion.Licensing assembly.

Visual Studio 2013/2015 support

The Schedule control now includes support for Visual Studio 2013 and 2015. The installer can create VS2013 and VS2015 toolbox palette for the component.

Improved data grid

You can now customize the cells and headers in the data grid through a set of new properties: CellBorderBrush, CellBorderThickness, HeaderBackground, HeaderBorderBrush, HeaderBorderThickness, HeaderFontSize, HeaderForeground, and HeaderMargin. Use the new ColumnCreating event to replace a grid column with a custom one.

MindFusion Scheduler for Silverlight: The Gantt Chart

MindFusion Scheduler for Silverlight: The Gantt Chart

New Holiday Providers

Enrich your Silverlight application with the new set of five holiday providers, which are now part of the MindFusion.HolidayProviders.dll assembly – AustraliaHolidayProvider, FranceHolidayProvider, GermanyHolidayProvider, RussiaHolidayProvider, and UKHolidayProvider.

MindFusion Scheduler for Silverlight: Holiday Providers

MindFusion Scheduler for Silverlight: Holiday Providers

Improved Timetable view

We have made some API changes to make using the component even easier. The WorkTimeStartHour and WorkTimeEndHour properties have been renamed to WorkTimeStart and WorkTimeEnd respectively and are now of type TimeSpan to allow more flexible work time intervals. In addition, you can now use the new WorkTimeStarts and WorkTimeEnds properties to specify different work time intervals for the different days in the view. The new ColumnHeaderTemplate property lets you customize the column headers by using a DataTemplate object.

Improved WeekRange view

The Week Range view can now display week numbers, similarly to the Single Month view. Use the WeekHeaderPosition property to enable week numbers and customize them with the RotateWeekHeaderTexts, WeekHeaderFormat, WeekHeaderStyle, and WeekNumbersHeaderWidth properties.

Improved Resource view

We have added a new RowHeaderTemplate property for customization of the row headers.

MindFusion Scheduler for Silverlight: The Resource View

MindFusion Scheduler for Silverlight: The Resource View


  • New resource and item hit-testing methods: GetItemAt and GetResourceAt.
  • The modifier key to clone items interactively can now be specified through the ItemCloneKey property.
  • New ItemStartModifying event.
  • Various bug fixes.
  • Two new samples – CustomMonthCalendar and CustomTimetableGrid.

See those numerous new features and tons of existing ones in action – download the component’s libraries with samples and documentation from this link:

MindFusion Scheduler for Silvelight, V3.3.2 Trial Version

Your questions, comments and inquiries are welcomed by MindFusion competent and friendly support team. Write us at the forum, Help desk or use e-mail

About MindFusion Scheduler for Silverlight: MindFusion.Scheduling for Silverlight provides your web application with a host of useful features for creating, customizing, importing and exporting calendars, time tables, appointment schedules. What’s more, the component includes a full-features Gantt chart with an activity chart and a resource chart. Unleash your creativity with the vast set of appearance options and enjoy the freedom to create calendars where every single detail is customizable and can be controlled by you. Implement professional Gantt diagrams and bring project planning features to your web software with a few mouse clicks. The library is packed with many samples, tutorials and extensive documentation to help you started. The licensing scheme is very attractive with various discount options and great savings for multiple licenses as well for small companies – check it here.

MindFusion Controls on NuGet

All MindFusion components for WinForms, WPF and Silverlight are now available as NuGet packages. The following table lists the NuGet IDs of the individual products:

Product NuGet ID
MindFusion.Charting for WinForms
MindFusion.Diagramming for WinForms
MindFusion.Gauges for WinForms
MindFusion.Pack for WinForms
MindFusion.Reporting for WinForms
MindFusion.Scheduling for WinForms
MindFusion.Spreadsheet for WinForms
MindFusion.Charting for WPF
MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF
MindFusion.Gauges for WPF
MindFusion.Pack for WPF
MindFusion.Reporting for WPF
MindFusion.Scheduling for WPF
MindFusion.Spreadsheet for WPF
MindFusion.Charting for Silverlight
MindFusion.Diagramming for Silverlight
MindFusion.Gauges for Silverlight
MindFusion.Pack for Silverlight
MindFusion.Reporting for Silverlight
MindFusion.Scheduling for Silverlight

The complete list of MindFusion products on NuGet can be found here:

The NuGet manager is available for Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2013 and can be downloaded from here:

To install a package, run the following command in the Package Manager Console (accessible from the Visual Studio menu: Tools → NuGet Package Manager → Package Manager Console):

PM> Install-Package 

Where <id> is the NuGet ID of the package. For example, to install MindFusion.Diagramming for WinForms, use:

PM> Install-Package MindFusion.Diagramming
