XMLWriter.Write Method
See Also

Encodes the Document as formatted XML text and saves the XML code into the file whose name is passed as argument. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Sub Write( _
    ByVal FileName As String _

C++  Copy Code

void Write (
    BSTR FileName



The name of a file into which to save the document.


If there are VariantTag objects associated with diagram elements, FlowChartX won't serialize them automatically. You must provide a handler for the SerializeTag event and encode the tags into appropriate string representation.

For security reasons this method cannot be used in Internet Explorer. It will return an error if called from a JavaScript script. To create an XML representation of a diagram when FlowChartX runs in a browser, use WriteToString to create an XML string and transfer it to the server via a hidden HTML field.

 See Also