Box.BeginUndoRecord Method
See Also

( a feature of FlowChartX Pro edition)

Starts recording modifications made to this box for later undo.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Sub BeginUndoRecord( _
    ByVal inclConnected As Boolean _

C++  Copy Code

void BeginUndoRecord (
    bool inclConnected


Indicates whether to also save undo & redo information for connected arrows.


FlowChartX automatically records users actions on the flowchart document to enable later undo and redo of any modifications. Some programmatic actions are recorded too - such as creation or deletion of objects. However, programmatic change of most of the object properties will not be recorded automatically in the undo-history. The BeginUndoRecord and EndUndoRecord pair of methods can be used to record a group of modifications to an object, allowing their undo and redo as a single atomic operation. If you change an object position and it has attached arrows their positions will be changed too. In such situations you can pass true as value of the inclConnected parameter, and the arrows modifications will also be recorded in the undo-history.

 See Also