Clipboard Operations

( a feature of FlowChartX Pro edition)

Copying items to the clipboard

A single diagram item or a selection of items can be copied or cut to the Windows clipboard. This can be done either programmatically using the CopyToClipboard and CutToClipboard methods, or by a user through CTRL+C and CTRL+X keyboard combinations.

Pasting items

To paste the clipboard contents into the current FlowChartX document use PasteFromClipboard method or CTRL+V combination. To check if there's FlowChartX data available in the clipboard use the CanPasteFromClipboard method. When a user pastes item via the keyboard shortcut, an ItemsPasted event is raised to let the application handle the new items.

Clipboard options

Set the SelectAfterPaste property to true if you want the items pasted from clipboard to get automatically selected. A diagram is also copied to the clipboard as an image, if the respective ClipboardFlags bits are set. ClipboardFlags also allows setting how grouped items are copied and pasted.