Importing and Exporting

Exporting image files

Image files containing FlowChartX diagrams can be created via SaveToBitmap and SaveToMetaFile methods. If GDI+ Graphics engine is enabled, SaveToBitmap allows exporting images in JPEG, GIF, PNG or TIFF format, in addition to the BMP format supported by the classic graphics engine. The CreateBitmap method creates a bitmap in memory, which you might save in any image format using most of the available image file manipulation libraries on the market.

Importing or exporting Visio files

( a feature of FlowChartX Pro edition)

The VisioExporter and VisioImporter components provide support for saving or loading diagrams to/from Visio 2003 XML Drawing files. The importer class maps the basic Visio flowchart shapes to the shape templates provided by FlowChartX. If the importer does not recognize a specific shape, you can set your own by handling the BoxImported event. Both the import and export components preserve the links between diagram nodes. They also preserve as much appearance and formatting information as possible, including text, text alignment, fill color and style, pen color and style, images, etc. However, there doesn't exist one to one relationship between all Visio and FlowChartX appearance elements, so exporting a file and importing it back could produce a diagram looking quite different than the original one.