IArrows.ChangeIndex Method
See Also

Changes the index of an arrow in the collection.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Function ChangeIndex( _
    ByVal arrow As Arrow, _
    ByVal newIndex As Long _
) As Long

C++  Copy Code

int ChangeIndex (
    Arrow* arrow,
    int newIndex
) = 0


The arrow whose index to change.
The new index of the arrow.

 Return Value

An integer value specifying the old index of the arrow in the collection.


The order of the arrows in the OutgoingArrows or IncomingArrows collection of a node defines the order of the child nodes arranged below their parent node by the TreeLayout class. If the child nodes must be arranged in a specific order, rearrange the arrows connecting the child nodes to their parent using the ChangeIndex method. It depends on the ReversedArrows of the TreeLayout class which of the arrows collections of a node are used to traverse the tree.

 See Also