VisioImporter.ImportAllPages Method
See Also

Imports all pages from the specified Visio document.

( a feature of FlowChartX Pro edition)


VB6  Copy Code

Public Function ImportAllPages( _
    ByVal vdxPathName As String, _
    ByVal flowChartDoc As Object _
) As Object

C++  Copy Code

IDispatch* ImportAllPages (
    BSTR vdxPathName,
    IDispatch* flowChartDoc



A full path to the Visio VDX file.


Reference to the diagram where the Visio drawing is imported.

 Return Value


The pages are imported starting from the top-left point of the diagram area. The current import location is moved one page-width to the right with each new page imported, until PagesPerRow pages are imported on the same y-coordinate. When that happens, the current location moves to the left-most x-coordinate and one page-height down. If there are more pages to import, the process continues as above.

 See Also