Ruler.UnitScale Property
See Also

The scale by which BaseUnit is multiplied to form the ruler's unit.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get UnitScale() As Single
Public Property Let UnitScale( _
    ByVal value As Single _

C++  Copy Code

float get_UnitScale ()
void put_UnitScale (
    float value

 Property Value

A float value specifying the ruler's unit scale.


The units displayed in ruler scales are formed by multiplying the length of a single BaseUnit by UnitScale. Depending on how much space there is to render scale labels for current zoom level, major unit ticks are drawn at either 1, 2 or 5 units, or their multiples by 10, 100 or 1000. The number of minor ticks depends on the current zoom level and UnitDivisions.

 See Also