AnchorPattern.AddAnchorPointF Method
See Also

Adds a new anchor point to this anchor pattern.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Sub AddAnchorPointF( _
    ByVal x As Single, _
    ByVal y As Single, _
    ByVal incoming As Boolean, _
    ByVal outgoing As Boolean, _
    ByVal mark As EMarkStyle, _
    ByVal Color As Long _

C++  Copy Code

void AddAnchorPointF (
    float x,
    float y,
    bool incoming,
    bool outgoing,
    EMarkStyle mark,
    unsigned int Color


The horizontal position of the anchor point; expressed as percent of the width of a node.
The vertical position of the anchor point; expressed as percent of the height of a node.
Specifies whether incoming arrows can connect to this anchor.
Specifies whether outgoing arrows can connect to this anchor.
Specifies how the anchor point is marked visually.

Specify the color with which the anchor mark is painted.


The point position is expressed as percent of the width and height of nodes. The two boolean parameters specify if arrows can start or end at that point. The mark argument defines how anchor points are marked visually; possible values are msNone, msCross, msX, msCircle, msRect. Using msCustom as a value of the mark argument makes FlowChartX raise the DrawMark event when the anchor point must be painted. The color argument specifies the color with which the mark is drawn on screen.

 See Also