AnchorPattern.SetArrowStyleForPoint Method
See Also

Defines the Style and number of Segments to use for arrows that a user draws from the specified anchor point.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Sub SetArrowStyleForPoint( _
    ByVal Index As Long, _
    ByVal ArrowStyle As EArrowStyle, _
    ByVal SegmentCount As Integer _

C++  Copy Code

void SetArrowStyleForPoint (
    int Index,
    EArrowStyle ArrowStyle,
    short SegmentCount



The index of an anchor point in this pattern.


Defines the style of arrows to draw from the specified point.


Defines the number of segments that arrows drawn from the specified point have.


These properties are applied only to arrows going out of the point. If no style is set for an anchor point, the default values set in the ArrowStyle and ArrowSegments properties of FlowChart are used.


Arrows drawn from the bottom-most point of the anchor pattern defined below will have asPerpendicular style and 3 segments.

VB6  Copy Code

Private Sub Form_Load()

    Dim ap As AnchorPattern

    ap = New AnchorPattern
    ap.AddAnchorPoint 50, 0, True, False, msCross, vbBlue
    ap.AddAnchorPoint 100, 50, False, True, msCircle, vbGreen
    ap.AddAnchorPoint 50, 100, False, True, msCircle, vbGreen
    ap.SetArrowStyleForPoint 2, asPerpendicular, 3
    ap.PatternId = "mixed"

End Sub

Private Sub fcx_BoxCreated(ByVal box As FLOWCHARTLibCtl.IBoxItem)

    box.AnchorPattern = fcx.AnchorPatterns("mixed")

End Sub

 See Also