ScriptHelper.CreateFont Method
See Also

Creates a standard OLE Font object.


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Public Function CreateFont( _
    ByVal name As String, _
    ByVal Size As CY, _
    ByVal Bold As Boolean, _
    ByVal Italic As Boolean, _
    ByVal Underline As Boolean _
) As IFontDisp

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IFontDisp* CreateFont (
    BSTR name,
    CY Size,
    bool Bold,
    bool Italic,
    bool Underline


A string specifying the font name.
The point size of the font.
The initial bold state of the font.
The initial italic state of the font.
The initial underline state of the font.

 Return Value

A font object.


The standard OLE Font class implementation is not marked as safe for scripting. So, depending on its security settings, Internet Explorer might display a warning message when creating an "stdfont" COM object from script, or it might refuse creating the font and return null/Nothing as the result of the VBScript CreateObject method or the JavaScript "new ActiveXObject". The CreateFont method lets you create an OLE Font object without any security restrictions.


The following code sets the text and font of a box.

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aBox.Text = "Arial, 12, Italic"
aBox.Font = fcx.ScriptHelper.CreateFont("Arial", 12, false, true, false)

 See Also