ScriptHelper.ClientToDocX Method
See Also

Transforms a point from device coordinates to the document coordinates.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Function ClientToDocX( _
    ByVal clientX As Long, _
    ByVal clientY As Long _
) As Long

C++  Copy Code

int ClientToDocX (
    int clientX,
    int clientY


The x coordinate of the point, in device coordinates.
The y coordinate of the point, in device coordinates.

 Return Value

An integer value specifying the point's X position in logical coordinates.


Gets the document coordinates of the document point (x, y). The mapping between client (device) and document (logical) coordinates depends on the current scroll position and zoom factor. If you have the device coordinates of the mouse position, you can use this method together with GetBoxAt or GetTableAt to find out which diagram item lies under the mouse cursor.

 See Also