ShapeTemplate.AddTextBezier Method
See Also

Adds a new Bezier curve to shape's text region, starting from the first point specified as argument, and having the next two points as control points.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Sub AddTextBezier( _
    ByVal x As Integer, _
    ByVal y As Integer, _
    ByVal x1 As Integer, _
    ByVal y1 As Integer, _
    ByVal x2 As Integer, _
    ByVal y2 As Integer _

C++  Copy Code

void AddTextBezier (
    short x,
    short y,
    short x1,
    short y1,
    short x2,
    short y2


A x-coordinate, defined as percent of shape full width.
A y-coordinate, defined as percent of shape full height.
A x-coordinate, defined as percent of shape full width.
A y-coordinate, defined as percent of shape full height.
A x-coordinate, defined as percent of shape full width.
A y-coordinate, defined as percent of shape full height.


The curve ends at the first point of the next part added to the text region, or at the first point of the region if CompleteDefinition is called next. If text region is not defined for a shape, the shape's outline is used for formatting and rendering the text.

 See Also