Table.BeginInplaceEdit Method
See Also

Enters inplace-edit mode, allowing users to edit the table caption or the text of a cell.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Sub BeginInplaceEdit( _
    ByVal col As Long, _
    ByVal row As Long _

C++  Copy Code

void BeginInplaceEdit (
    int col,
    int row


The column index of the cell whose text should be edited.
The row index of the cell whose text should be edited.


This method displays an edit control over the table caption bar or over a cell, letting users edit the caption or cell text. Set both arguments to -1 in order to start editing the table caption, or specify the column and row indices of a cell to start editing the cell text.

If the AllowInplaceEdit property of a table is set to true, inplace editing can be started interactively by double-clicking the table. The inplace editing operation can be ended programmatically by calling EndInplaceEdit, or interactively by clicking outside the edit control.

 See Also