Table.SetTextStyle Method
See Also

Sets the text alignment style of the specified cell.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Sub SetTextStyle( _
    ByVal col As Long, _
    ByVal row As Long, _
    ByVal newVal As ETextStyle _

C++  Copy Code

void SetTextStyle (
    int col,
    int row,
    ETextStyle newVal


The column of a table cell whose text style to change.
The row of a table cell whose text style to change.

The new text style of the cell text.


This method sets text position and alignment of cell text. The cell position in the table is specified by col and row arguments.

newStyle can have any of these values: tsCenter, tsTop, tsBottom, tsLeft, tsRight, tsLeftML, tsRightML. To display styled text, set one of the following values: tsFitPolyTop, tsFitPolyCenter or tsFitPolyBottom.

 See Also