Table.EnableStyledText Property
See Also

Gets or sets a value indicating whether styled text rendering is enabled.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get EnableStyledText() As Boolean
Public Property Let EnableStyledText( _
    ByVal value As Boolean _

C++  Copy Code

bool get_EnableStyledText ()
void put_EnableStyledText (
    bool value

 Property Value

A boolean value. Initialized with FlowChart.EnableStyledText.


Styled text can have various attributes applied to the characters it contains. The attributes are specified using HTML-like tags embedded in the raw text. Attributes can be combined just like in HTML. Styled text formatting is provided by the same renderer that implements "fit polygon" text layout styles. As a consequence, such text is rendered properly only when the CaptionStyle or the cell's text style is set to one of the following values: tsFitPolyTop, tsFitPolyCenter or tsFitPolyBottom.

The following table lists the currently supported style tags:



<i> text </i>

italic text

<b> text </b>

bold text

<u> text </u>

underlined text

<sub> text </sub>


<sup> text </sup>



The following code demonstrates how to use styled text in a table.

VB6  Copy Code

Private Sub Form_Load()

    Dim t As Table
    Set t = fcx.CreateTable(10, 10, 180, 240)

    t.SetColWidth 0, 120
    t.SetRowHeight 0, 25
    t.EnableStyledText = True
    t.Caption = "table: <i>Clients</i>"
    t.CaptionStyle = tsFitPolyCenter
    t.SetText 0, 0, "<b>id:</b> autoint"
    t.SetTextStyle 0, 0, tsFitPolyCenter

End Sub

 See Also