Table.CellPicture Property
See Also

Gets or sets the image displayed inside the specified cell.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get CellPicture( _
    ByVal col As Long, _
    ByVal row As Long _
) As IPictureDisp
Public Property Let CellPicture( _
    ByVal col As Long, _
    ByVal row As Long, _
    ByVal value As IPictureDisp _

C++  Copy Code

IPictureDisp* get_CellPicture (
    int col,
    int row
void put_CellPicture (
    int col,
    int row,
    IPictureDisp* value


The 0-based index of the cell's column.
The 0-based index of the cell's row.

 Property Value

A picture object.


Sets the image to be displayed inside a cell. This is an indexed property having the cell column as first index and the cell row as second. The image is positioned inside the cell as specified by the CellPicturePos property.

 See Also