Table.Expandable Property
See Also

Gets or sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to expand or collapse the tree branch that starts from this table.


C#  Copy Code

public virtual bool Expandable { get; set; }

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Overridable Property Expandable As Boolean

 Property Value

A boolean value.


Displays a +/- button beside a table to allow users Expand or Collapse the tree that has this table as a root. Clicking the button when it displays a "-" sign collapses the tree and raises a TableCollapsed event. Clicking the button when it displays a "+" sign expands the tree and raises a TableExpanded event.

This behavior can be overridden by setting the fOverrideTreeExpanding event flag. That makes the respective events still raised when a user clicks on the +/- buttons, without actually hiding or showing child nodes in the tree.

 See Also