Table.SelStyle Property
See Also

Gets or sets how table selection handles behave and what they look like.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get SelStyle() As ESelStyle
Public Property Let SelStyle( _
    ByVal value As ESelStyle _

C++  Copy Code

ESelStyle get_SelStyle ()
void put_SelStyle (
    ESelStyle value

 Property Value

A member of the ESelStyle enumeration. Initialized with FlowChart.TableSelStyle.


Specifies how a selected table is indicated visually. In addition the property defines how manipulation of the table can be done, i.e. how to move it, resize it or link it to other objects. You can choose between the following styles:

  • sstInvisible - the selection is not indicated visually. The table can be resized by dragging its borders and corners. Clicking inside the table's caption area and dragging starts moving the table. Clicking in its interior and dragging starts arrow creation.
  • sstSquareHandles - the selection is indicated by drawing square handles around the table and at its center. The table can be moved or resized by dragging those handles. Clicking inside the table interior and dragging starts arrow creation.
  • sstDashFrame - the selection is indicated by drawing dashed frame around the table. The table can be resized by dragging its borders and corners. Clicking inside the table's caption area and dragging starts moving the table. Clicking in its interior and dragging starts arrow creation.
  • sstHatchFrame - the selection is indicated by drawing hatched frame around the table. The table can be resized by dragging its borders and corners. Clicking inside the table's caption area and dragging starts moving the table. Clicking in its interior and dragging starts arrow creation.
  • sstHatchHandles - the selection is indicated by drawing square handles and hatched frame around the table. The table can be resized by dragging those handles, and moved by dragging the frame. Clicking inside the table interior starts arrow creation.

 See Also