Table.Picture Property
See Also

Gets or sets the image displayed inside the table.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get Picture() As IPictureDisp
Public Property Let Picture( _
    ByVal value As IPictureDisp _

C++  Copy Code

IPictureDisp* get_Picture ()
void put_Picture (
    IPictureDisp* value

 Property Value

A picture object.


Gets or sets the picture painted inside a table. PicturePos specifies how exactly the picture is displayed, e.g. aligned, stretched or tiled.

Nodes can display transparent icons or gif images too. If you are a Visual Basic developer, please note that the VB picture box control and LoadPicture method can load transparent gif images successfully, but in a format that doesn't allow saving their transparency information later. If you need to save diagrams that contain transparent images, use the FlowChartX LoadPicture methods to load these images initially.

 See Also