Table.RowAnchorPattern Property
See Also

Gets or sets the AnchorPattern object defining the points at which arrows can connect to the specified row.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get RowAnchorPattern( _
    ByVal row As Long _
) As AnchorPattern
Public Property Let RowAnchorPattern( _
    ByVal row As Long, _
    ByVal value As AnchorPattern _

C++  Copy Code

AnchorPattern* get_RowAnchorPattern (
    int row
void put_RowAnchorPattern (
    int row,
    AnchorPattern* value


The 0-based index of the row.

 Property Value

A reference to an AnchorPattern object.


An anchor pattern defines a set of anchor points at which arrows connect with a node. This is an indexed property whose index specified a table's row. If -1 is specified as row's index, the anchor pattern will be assigned to all rows of the table. This property can be used with tables whose LinkStyle is set to tlsRows or tlsBoth. Use the AnchorPattern property to assign an anchor pattern that affects the table as an integral node.

 See Also