Table.CellType Property
See Also

Gets or sets what kind of UI widget is displayed in the specified cell.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get CellType( _
    ByVal col As Long, _
    ByVal row As Long _
) As ECellType
Public Property Let CellType( _
    ByVal col As Long, _
    ByVal row As Long, _
    ByVal value As ECellType _

C++  Copy Code

ECellType get_CellType (
    int col,
    int row
void put_CellType (
    int col,
    int row,
    ECellType value



The cell's column index.


The cell's row index.

 Property Value

A member of the ECellType enumeration. The default value is ctContent.


At this time, cells can display either content (text and/or image) or checkboxes, respectively when CellType is set to ctContent or ctCheckBox. The state of a cell's checkbox can be get or set via the CellValue indexed property.

 See Also