Table.CellToolTip Property
See Also

Gets or sets the tooltip text associated with a cell.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get CellToolTip( _
    ByVal col As Long, _
    ByVal row As Long _
) As String
Public Property Let CellToolTip( _
    ByVal col As Long, _
    ByVal row As Long, _
    ByVal value As String _

C++  Copy Code

BSTR get_CellToolTip (
    int col,
    int row
void put_CellToolTip (
    int col,
    int row,
    BSTR value


The 0-based index of the cell's column.
The 0-based index of the cell's row.

 Property Value

A string value. The default is an empty string.


This is an indexed property having a table's column number as the first index and a row number as the second one. Its value specifies the tool-tip text that should be displayed when the mouse rests for awhile over a cell.

 See Also