Table.LinkStyle Property
See Also

Gets or sets a value indicating whether other nodes are linked to the table rows or the table as an integral entity.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get LinkStyle() As ETableLinkStyle
Public Property Let LinkStyle( _
    ByVal value As ETableLinkStyle _

C++  Copy Code

ETableLinkStyle get_LinkStyle ()
void put_LinkStyle (
    ETableLinkStyle value

 Property Value

A member of the ETableLinkStyle enumeration. Initialized with FlowChart.TableLinkStyle.


There are three possible ways to relate tables to other nodes. This property specifies how users are allowed to create such relations:

  • tlsRows - relation ends are the rows of a table. An arrow connected to the table is linked to a particular row. This mode is convenient for database diagrams;
  • tlsTable - relations target the table as a whole entity, and not any particular row. This mode is convenient for class diagrams;
  • tlsBoth - a mixed mode where arrows can target either a row of the table or the table itself;

Programmatically, arrows can be linked to a table in any way, regardless of the LinkStyle. LinkStyle value is considered only when end-users draw arrows to or from a table. To link to a table as an entity and not to a specific row, pass -1 as row argument of the CreateLink or CreateRelation methods.

 See Also