LayeredLayout.CompactFactor Property
See Also

Gets or sets a value indicating the relative distance between adjacent links in the layout.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get CompactFactor() As Single
Public Property Let CompactFactor( _
    ByVal value As Single _

C++  Copy Code

float get_CompactFactor ()
void put_CompactFactor (
    float value

 Property Value

A float value. The default is 1.


Links and nodes on the same graph layer are distributed uniformly as specified via the NodeDistance value. However, if there are more than 2-3 outermost arrows on a layer, they usually take up too much space without improving the visual quality of the diagram layout. This property allows decreasing the distance between such arrows in order to save space. The factor specifies roughly what fraction of NodeDistance to leave between outer arrows.

 See Also